Galápagos Frigatebirds

Aerial acrobatics, and distinctive appearance, making them a must-see attraction

What you need to know about the Galápagos Frigatebirds

Galápagos Frigatebirds are one of the greatest birds on Galápagos Islands. Frigatebirds are most known for their incredible breeding behavior. Males will expand the red sac on their necks with air at this time. These meaty, brilliant red balloons are utilized to exhibit the male’s health and vigor to females. Male competitors will sit in groups, wings wide, red sacs inflated, heads inclined back. Frigatebirds spend the most of their time foraging for food, and their diet consists of squid, fish, jellyfish, and crabs. They will often take food from the mouths of other birds, notably Blue-Footed Boobies. Moreover, there are five species of Frigatebirds around the tropics. Only two of them are found on the Galápagos Islands, the Great Frigatebird and the Magnificent Frigatebird, both very alike.

Interesting facts

The Great and Magnificent Frigatebirds frequently nest together.

Despite their grace in the air, frigatebirds are unable to walk or swim.

The Magnificent Frigatebird has a greater wingspan than the Great, reaching up to 45 inches (114cm) compared to 40 inches (105cm) for the Great.

Where can it be seen?
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