Lava Gull

Stunning white plumage, fascinating foraging habits

What you need to know about the Lava Gull

Lava Gull is a very peculiar bird. This Lava Gull is found only on Galápagos Islands, not anywhere else. It is indeed a remarkable and recognizable appearance, it’s the world’s only all-dark colored gull, with a characteristic hefty beak. They range from almost black to dark gray and have little white fringes on the margins of their wings and tail. They reproduce all year and deposit eggs in ground nests, frequently choosing foliage along the ocean for protection. The Galápagos Lava Gulls can be easily observed on islands like Isabela, Santa Cruz, San Cristobal and Genovesa. Lava Gulls are opportunistic feeders, taking whatever they can find when they can find it. They appear to value the placentas of freshly born Sea Lions, and they have been recorded on Genovesa taking advantage of food dropped by Frigate birds who harass the Blue-Footed Boobies for an easy meal.

Interesting facts

Their name derives from the color of their feathers, which resembles lava rocks.

Something that makes them unique is that they are solitary nesters.

Lava gulls are frequently observed foraging for leftovers around fishing vessels.

Where can it be seen?
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