Great Blue Heron

Towering height, striking blue-gray plumage, and impressive hunting skills

What you need to know about the Great Blue Heron

Great Blue Herons are considered the most beautiful birds on Galápagos. Their beautiful slate-blue feathers spread throughout the whole wingspan. The blue of their flying feathers contrasts with their gray necks and brilliant yellow bills, making them among the most attractive birds in the skies over the Galapagos. Small fish, crabs, lizards, baby iguanas, and even young birds are eaten by herons. Because herons are huge wading birds, they locate a lot of their food in deep water. They hunt with their amazing vision and consume their victim completely. This occasionally results in them suffocating on their meal and having to vomit the trapped entrée. Great Blue Herons are believed to be lonely, and they breed alone all year on the Galapagos Islands. They are frequently seen on panga rides to the mangroves.

Interesting facts

Great Blue Herons want to be near water, which is why they prefer to live in mangroves, lake borders, or on shorelines.

They are among the most stunning and colored birds to be found in the sky above the Galapagos Islands.

They swallow their meal fully - occasionally they misjudge the size of their prey and it becomes trapped.

Where can it be seen?
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