One of the most iconic and captivating bird species of the Galapagos.
What you need to know about Red-Billed Tropicbird
Red-Billed Tropicbirds are the most elegant bird in Galápagos Islands. The Red-Billed Tropicbird resembles terns and other seabirds in form, until you observe the unusual elongated tail streamers. When lying on the ocean’s surface, they raise their long tails above the sea, giving them a striking appearance. They also have a red beak, giving its name, as well as a jet black line through the eye, which makes them stand out in flight. These are real seabirds that spend the most of their life away from land, only returning to mate and nest. They love to visit isolated and quiet locations. They are powerful swimmers who hunt by diving from a great height into the ocean to stab fish or squid. This specialization makes them awkward on land, in which they can hardly walk and must rely on their wings to propel themselves forward on their bellies. As a result, they have become susceptible. Tropicbirds may reproduce all year and nest in colonies, preferring rocky nooks or protected bare ground.
Interesting facts
It is thought that there are just 7,500 remaining in the world, with a sizable proportion of them living in the Galápagos.
They dislike getting their lovely tail streamers wet and will hold them up when lying on the water.
The Red-Billed Tropicbird may be found across the Pacific and Atlantic tropics.
Where can it be seen?
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