Majestic wingspan, intricate courtship dance, and the unique privilege of being able to witness its nesting and breeding rituals
What you need to know about the Waved Albatross
Waved Albatrosses are unique species and also the largest wingspan of any bird in Galápagos. They are called like this because of the peculiar way adult wings spread, almost like a wave kind. These Albatrosses only breed on one specific site and it is on Española Island. Also known for their remarkable gliding abilities, Waved Albatrosses spend most of their time on the sea. During this season, the whole colony migrates and may be found everywhere from the archipelago’s eastern waters to the beaches of Colombia and Peru. They scavenge near fishing boats and eat fish, squid, and other tiny marine animals. As many other animals, humans are the biggest threat for these specific animals. Lengthy fishing vessels in the Pacific put out hundreds of kilometers of baited hooks that attract birds, and when the birds attempt to eat the bait, they become trapped and perish after being pulled under. The courting dance of the Galápagos Albatross is a spectacular sight. This detailed and personal action, which involves bill clacking, head circling, waddling, and head nodding, enhances the relationship between the pair. The birds produce a characteristic “moo” noise throughout the dance.
Interesting facts
Once female Waved Albatross leave the nest they fly away and will not return for another 6 years.
Male albatross are contemporary parents, and they spend a lot of time sitting on the egg in order to incubate it.
On Española Island they are safe and breed peacefully.
They are known for being the largest seabirds on Galápagos Island.
Where can it be seen?
Gardner Bay
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