Captivating sea creatures that bring joy and wonder
What you need to know about Whales & Dolphins
Whales and Dolphins are a very distinctive and dazzling group of mammals. These magnificent animals can be found mostly in the Archipelago’s west, specifically in the Bolivar Channel between Isabela and Fernandina islands, but also to the south of the Galápagos. In Galápagos, there are two groups of Whales: The Baleen Whales and The Toothed Whales. The Baleen Whales have hair-like structures in their mouth which they use to filter food from water. Baleen whales are also known for having extremely large tongues, These aid in the movement of trapped food, aid in swallowing, and allow them to squeeze excess water from their mouths. On the other hand, Toothed Whales usually feed on larger prey such as fish and other marine mammals. They also are noticeably smaller than baleen whales, growing to around 43 feet in length (13m). The only toothed whale that grows longer than this is the Sperm Whale.
Interesting facts
In the west of the Galápagos, there is a small resident population of Orcas.
Dolphins are well-known for "riding the bow" of Galápagos cruise ships.
To help you identify the Baleen and Toothed whales, look for the spout of warm, moist air that is expelled from their blowholes as they swim near the surface of the water.
Where can it be seen?
Known location for night diving. Here, the water drops to a depth of 70 feet, and the current is typically calm...
Main Darwin Island
Considered a “marine wonderland”, Darwin’s Island is perfect for diving. Among the animals you can run across...
Mangle Point
A visit to this place takes you to a panga ride to where you will find a nice place to go snorkeling as well as a tiny...
North Islet
Locals refer to the wall diving North Islet as The Banana because it borders rocky outcroppings like caves...
Shark Bay
The breathtaking walls of sharks from Galápagos pictures may be seen on Shark Bay on Wolf Island...
The Cave Dive Site
The Cave is renowned as one of the finest and best diving locations in the Galápagos Islands...
Vicente Rock Point
A stopping point for diving vessels like the Galapagos Sky. This dive is a wall dive with lots of coral covered...